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Empoderamiento de las mujeres en los servicios globales


Internet como principal facilitador de la tercerización de servicios

La gama de servicios que se pueden realizar de forma remota ha aumentado a lo largo del tiempo. Big Data y las nuevas tecnologías (como la automatización) han aumentado la variedad, velocidad, calidad y eficiencia de este tipo de servicos, gracias a la conectividad global y a Internet. Pero nos preguntamos: ¿De qué manera el uso de Internet continuará evolucionando?¿Cómo impacta la globalización de los servicios? ¿Qué tecnologías y nuevas aplicaciones de modelos existentes han permitido que el comercio electrónico se extienda al sector de servicios, como en el caso de Amazon Web Services?¿Las redes sociales han impactado en la prestación de servicios, el servicio al cliente y la desintermediación? ¿El alcance de las principales plataformas de redes sociales (por ejemplo, Facebook y Twitter) requiere una mayor coordinación de políticas entre gobiernos en todo el mundo?¿De qué manera ha evolucionado el uso de Internet por parte del gobierno (registro de empresas, aduanas, promoción comercial, etc.)? ¿Qué se puede hacer para seguir aumentando el acceso a Internet y las oportunidades de negocios globales para las pequeñas empresas? En este panel, líderes empresariales comparten sus experiencias y expectativas para el futuro dinámico de Internet y la prestación de servicios. Moderador: Ady Beitler, Especialista Senior de Integración y Comercio, BIDSpeakers:Gabriel Recalde, Senior Policy Analyst, Google Gonzalo Navarro, Executive Director of the Latin American Internet Association Luis Loaiza, Co-Founder, Otto Rivera-Valle, Executive Vice-President, Costa Rica Chamber of Information and Communication Technologies (CAMTIC)

Best Practices from Top Outsourced Cities and Regions

Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) global service providers comprise a maturing and multifaceted sector, long offering great promise and today manifesting impressive results. A region of great intrinsic opportunity, LAC participants in this global marketplace benefit not only from natural advantages like location, language and cultural affinity, but also an entrepreneurial spirit and many supportive governments determined to optimize their participation in a dynamic industry. Compared to more consolidated powerhouses like India and the Philippines, large players like China and Russia that offer unparalleled scale, and European platforms with human capital and business climate advantages, LAC has one underappreciated competitive advantage – its emergent status combined with high levels of global connectivity and access to information endows the region with the ability to learn from successes across the globe and adapt dexterously to a dynamic business landscape. The companies and clusters that have propelled those cities – notably San José as the top-ranked city in the Americas in 2016 – also provide noteworthy best practices to providers across the globe. This panel offers one such opportunity for productive dialogue and inter-regional comparison and learning. Moderator: John Biggs, East Coast Editor, TechCrunch Speakers: Avinash Vashistha, Chairman and CEO of Tholons Inc. and Former Chairman and Country Managing Director- India of Accenture Services B.V. Naidu, Chairman of Sagitaur and Co-Chairman of Karnataka ICT Group (Bangalore) Charles Aird, Global Leader of the PwC Shared Services and Outsourcing Advisory and Business Transformation, PwC

Health (NBIC - Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, IT and Cognitive Science)

The globalization of healthcare and related services has had a wide-reaching impact on the global services sector. From records management to medical tourism, it is one of the most cross-cutting outsourcing fields, requiring a diversity of human resources and ripe for new innovations. Healthcare BPO, already a USD 170 billion market in 2016, continues to grow above 10% annually. Some of the most high-tech and promising emergent specialties are in the areas of nano- and biotechnology. Global pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturing companies increasingly rely on specialized clinical and preclinical research, and customized bio-manufacturing. As a result, the biotechnology services outsourcing market is expected to reach USD 92.9 billion by 2025 (Grand View Research). Breakthrough technologies like gene editing, immunotherapy, nanotechnology, and big data are all expected to have a big impact on the direction of this sector in the coming years. In this groundbreaking growth market, how is the LAC region developing and promoting its capabilities to deliver innovative, specialized, and secure health services? Moderator: Massimo Manzi, Executive Director of the Council for the International Promotion of Costa Rica Medicine - PROMED Speakers: Gabriela Couto, CEO of Marketplaza and President of the CR Biomed Cluster Ricardo Salazar, Head, Government and Public Affairs & Advocacy for Latin America, Sanofi KP Bannanje, Senior Director - Consulting Services, Neusoft America

The Future of the Sharing Economy and Implications for the services sector

The “sharing economy” is not a sector, but rather a new delivery model that will have an impact across all services. While typically services outsourcing previously required high-level outreach and negotiations to build a B2B relationship between companies, outsourcing of services can now be implemented nearly instantaneously and to individuals as well as businesses. The biggest successes in this space to date are among those early adopters who created the platforms on which resources and information are pooled and parceled out according to demand. These include, of course, notable market-makers Uber (in local transportation) and AirBnB (in housing rentals). Driving this trend is the push for operational efficiency and scalability, the rapid proliferation of mobile technology, and evolving labor practices. While new platforms spring up to implement the sharing model in seemingly every niche of the economy, perhaps the greatest new opportunities lie in partnerships, e.g., food delivery services that leverage the existing network of Uber transportation to fulfill deliveries. Understanding the role of sharing in the future economy is ‘key’ to ensuring value chain integration from initial software development to implementation in new locations. Moderator: Luiz Ros, Special Advisor for Innovation Digital Economy Initiative, Office of the Presidency, InterAmerican Development Bank Speakers: Shawn Sullivan, Public Policy lead for Central America and the Caribbean, AirBnB Inc. Ivo Côrrea, Policy Director for CA & Caribbean, Uber Technologies Inc.
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