Crescendo Juntas - Transformação Digital

Fórum Tema 1. Imersão Digital

Disruptive Business Model II

Fotografia de Lisa Beckles
Disruptive Business Model II
por Lisa Beckles - Wednesday, 25 May 2022, 20:08

I am finding this a very interesting exercise.  The model to me raises questions such as 

1.How old does a business have to be before it is no longer considered a challenger to others that have been established even longer?

2. Which is more important here? The value proposition, the value network, or do you think they are equally important?

Fotografia de Trisha  Carara
Re: Disruptive Business Model II
por Trisha Carara - Sunday, 29 May 2022, 12:24

Lisa, the disruptive business forced me think differently about my offerings. Where as I was confident that I was aware of the value the products offer, as well as the network...    the Disruptive Business Class and exercise definitely opened my thought process. 

As it relates to your question about "no longer considered a challenger to others...", I would say, growth of one's business in all areas is a good goal to set and achieve, but becoming complacent because one is at the top is not healthy. We are doing this transformation course that speaks to the importance of knowledge and ability to pivot. Grow with a pivot mindset.

I am of the view that both  the value proposition and the value network are important. One feeds the other and is the foundation for forming a healthy business relationship.